Value Engineering (VE) acted as a sub-consultant for this phase, which aimed to enhance infrastructure and traffic flow through comprehensive bridge reconstruction and associated roadway improvements. The I-94 Modernization Advanced Bridges Phase project aimed to improve and rebuild over 70 bridges that were in poor conditions. VE provided civil and drainage design services for the reconstruction, as well as construction engineering and inspection services, supporting MDOT in project management and execution.
Bridge Reconstructions:
Concord Avenue Bridge:
Final design included reconstruction of Concord Ave bridge over I-94.
Road approaches and service drives were redesigned as necessary.
Designed roadway vertical and horizontal geometry adjustments.
Included sidewalk design, driveway entrances, bicycle lanes, ADA upgrades, ROW impacts assessment, utility conflict assessment, and drainage design.
Developed project quantities, engineering cost estimates, specifications, and 3D modeling.
Designed intersections to minimize impacts to adjacent factory buildings and maintain access.
Realigned service drives to accommodate the longer bridge and minimize ROW impacts and impacts to a billboard.
Cadillac Avenue Bridge:
Final design included reconstruction of Cadillac Ave bridge over I-94.
Similar scope as Concord Ave bridge reconstruction, including roadway design adjustments, sidewalk design, driveway entrances, bicycle lanes, ADA upgrades, ROW impacts assessment, utility conflict assessment, and drainage design.
Developed project quantities, engineering cost estimates, specifications, and 3D modeling.
Analyzed driveway layouts for access management and minimized impacts to a 4(f) property.
Designed to accommodate all traffic modes and maximize capacity while minimizing impacts to adjacent properties and community resources.
Project Details:
Both bridge reconstructions were part of the urban freeway corridor modernization.
Designed to meet MDOT standards and improve infrastructure resilience and longevity.
Completed in 2017, contributing to enhanced traffic efficiency and safety in the Detroit metropolitan area.