Value Engineering acted as the prime consultant for MDOT on the Design of Permanent Pavement Markings for I-275. This project focused on the final design for the reconstruction of I-275, encompassing main lanes, auxiliary lanes, shoulders, and interchange ramps at I-275/M-153 (Ford Road) and I-275/Ann Arbor Road interchanges. The project involved developing permanent pavement marking plans, engineering cost estimates, and horizontal layouts integrated with other design disciplines. VE attended Milestone Review meetings to address feedback and incorporate project-specific MDOT Standard Plans into the designs.
Deliverables include: Preliminary Plan:
PDF exhibits, note sheet updates, and details for the permanent pavement marking project.
Engineering cost estimates for permanent pavement marking design.
Reference Information Documents (RID) for Final Plan submittal.
Project-specific MDOT Standard Plans.
Prepared MDOT forms to be used for bid documents.
Updated design to address FPC comments.
VE maintained regular communication with the Project Manager, attended key project meetings, and collaborated with other consultants to ensure consistency across design elements. Monthly progress reports and invoices were submitted via ProjectWise to track project milestones and financials.