The I-69 corridor serves as a critical rural freeway connecting Flint, Port Huron, and local communities such as Lapeer, Imlay City, and Attica Township. Within the project limits, I-69 featured two lanes in each direction. This project included the reconstruction of freeway lanes and shoulders from Lake George Rd. to Newark Rd., encompassing the S. Lake Pleasant Rd. interchange ramps, which were rebuilt as a rural diamond interchange. Scope of Work: As a subconsultant, VE was responsible for various design tasks related to traffic management and signing:
Designed Traffic: Work Zone Maintenance of Traffic
Designed Traffic: Work Zone Mobility & Safety
Designed Traffic: Signing - Non-Freeway
Designed Traffic: Signing - Freeway
VE performed project development, including the base plan submittal, internal work planning, and quality planning, which involved:
Developing a general concept of Maintenance of Traffic (MOT)
Staging typical cross-sections
Conceptualizing detour route concepts
Conducting work zone mobility analysis
Analyzing Maintenance of Traffic concept costs
For the Preliminary Plan Submittal and FPC MOT Submittal, VE drafted and finalized MOT designs within project limits, which included:
Drafting and Final MTSP (Maintaining Traffic Special Provision)
Developing Traffic Management Plans (draft and final)
Designing MOT staging and layouts
Creating temporary signing, crossover, drainage, and guardrail designs
Planning detour route layouts
Detailing miscellaneous aspects and providing an engineer’s opinion of probable cost
For the Preliminary Plan Submittal and FPC Permanent Sign Design Submittal, VE prepared preliminary and final signing plans within project limits, covering:
Designing the permanent signing layout
Creating special signing designs and details (SignCAD)
Compiling an index to Notice to Bidders (NTB), Frequently Used Special Provisions (FUSP), and Supplemental Specifications (SS)
Estimating quantities and providing an engineer’s opinion of probable cost
Compiling the Project Quantity Spreadsheet (PQS)
Preparing Reference Information Documents (RID)
In the Final Plan Submittal, VE submitted finalized plans and documentation from Preliminary Plans and FPC, along with:
Finalized 100% crossover model
Final deliverables and supplemental documentation (quantity books and engineering calculations)
Additionally, VE provided plans and specifications for over-the-shoulder reviews as part of the project's deliverables.