The project is located on I-69 in Attica Township, MI. The I-69 corridor is a rural freeway, with two lanes in each direction, which serves as a vital regional connector between Flint and Port Huron/Metro Detroit/Canada as well as the local communities in-between. The communities within the vicinity of the project limits are the city of Lapeer, the township of Attica and Imlay City.
The I-69 corridor within the project limits consists of two lanes in each direction.
Value Engineering worked as a subconsultant providing design services for both the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the roadway. Our project team was selected by MDOT to perform the final design for this project. VE was consulted to perform work on the following prequalification categories: 1. Design- Traffic: Work Zone Maintenance of Traffic 2. Design- Traffic: Work Zone Mobility & Safety
VE as a part of the project team delivered civil design for reconstruction of one segment of I-69 and heavy rehabilitation of the existing pavement for another segment of I-69. The project segments follow: 1. Segment 1: I-69 from M-24 proceeding east to Lake George Rd 2. Segment 2: I-69 from Newark Rd proceeding east to the County line
This project consists of a 4R reconstruction of the freeway lanes and shoulders for segment 1, and a 3 Course HMA overlay (heavy pavement rehabilitation) of the existing lanes and shoulders for segment 2. Current lane configuration will be maintained for the redesigned segments to maintain 2 lanes of traffic in each direction on the freeway. For this project, VE performed maintenance of traffic design and work zone mobility & safety analysis for both project segments, as a protégé. This work consisted of developing a maintaining traffic concept and staging typicals, MTSP (Maintaining Traffic Special Provision), temporary crossover designs, staging designs/layouts, detour designs and mobility analysis for the maintaining traffic schemes. The designs were developed and delivered in the Adobe PDF format.
Deliverables for this project included: 1. Base Plan Submittal: Prepare Maintaining Traffic concepts, concept costs, detour concept map and conceptual mobility analysis. 2. Preliminary Plan Submittal: Prepare draft MTSP, draft crossover designs, detour plans, staging designs/layouts and engineer’s opinion of probable cost for maintaining traffic design. 3. FPC Submittal: Prepare final MTSP, crossover designs, detour plans, staging designs/layouts and PQS files for maintaining traffic design 4. Traffic Management Plan: Perform mobility analysis for detour route(s) and staged construction and develop draft and final traffic management plan. 5. Prepare Final Deliverable and quantity books for Maintaining Traffic design
VE coordinated with our Prime Consultant on development of work products, mentor / protégé activities and formal training provided through this project to gain pre qualifications for the State of Michigan.