I-94 at US-31 and I-94 at I-196 Interchanges - Permanent Pavement Marking Design
The I-94 at US-31 and I-94 at I-196 Interchanges project is a crucial segment of the St. Joseph Valley Parkway, completing the freeway connection to the Indiana-Michigan state line. This project includes the design of permanent pavement markings for the mainline I-94 freeway, the I-94/US-31/I-94BL interchange, the I-94/I-196 interchange, and the proposed and reconstructed bridges. The total length of the mainline freeway involved in the project spans approximately 3 miles. Project Scope
Freeway Interchanges and Bridges: Design of permanent pavement markings.
Civil Engineering Aspects: Geotechnical investigation, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and maintenance of traffic (MOT).
Environmental Considerations: Design concept development to avoid environmental sensitive areas like the Blue Creek Fen and enhance traffic safety.
Scope of work included:
Preliminary Engineering:
Verification of design scope and cost.
Participation in Scope Verification meetings.
Milestone Plan Submittals:
Incorporation of project-specific MDOT Standard Plans.
Attendance and incorporation of review comments from Milestone Review meetings.
Preliminary, Pre-OEC, OEC, and Final permanent pavement marking plan sheets.
Engineering cost estimates and miscellaneous quantities for permanent pavement marking design.
Reference Information Documents (RID) and selection of Special Provisions related to Pavement Markings.
Final Project Package Preparation:
Revisions as per MDOT Specifications and Estimates Department feedback.
Project Development Phases
Preliminary Engineering Phase:
Scope verification and preliminary plan development.
Milestone Plan Submittals:
Development of detailed pavement marking plans and specifications.
Final Plan Submittals:
Completion of final permanent pavement marking designs and associated documentation.
Pre-Letting Phase:
Revision and finalization of plans for the letting process.