University Region Active Transportation Plan and Road and Trail Bicycling Guide
The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) will include goals, objectives, strategies, activities, expected outcomes, staff responsibilities, governance structure, public and stakeholder structure and scheduling, and a detailed timeline. The working group will promote events through non-digital platforms, and the SEP will encompass all engagement activities associated with the project to establish a coordinated and organized process. This task includes drafting the SEP for client review, and one round of revisions based on consolidated comments.
Value Engineering concluded with a Stakeholder Engagement Summary, which will be a brief memo, describing how the input informed the plan recommendations. The memo will include an inventory of the events and tools utilized, number of people engaged, and key themes that inform plan recommendations. This task includes one (1) draft memo and one (1) final memo based on a consolidated set of comments. Value Engineering will provide a review of the draft memo. Value Engineering will also assist with the following:
Conduct up to 8 public workshops/open houses.
Identify meeting locations and schedule facilities.
Send meeting notices to media, MDOT communications, known stakeholder groups/individuals..
Preparation and facilitation of up to eight (8) in-person workshops (Open Houses) to solicit stakeholder and public feedback with two (2) Value Engineering staff members at each event.
Value Engineering will review the Final Active Transportation Plan to seek that all findings from the Public Workshops/Open Houses were included and considered in the document. Value Engineering will develop one (1) brief memo to show that this review was completed. The project involves updating the nine-county University Region Active Transportation Plan, which includes a robust public involvement plan. The tasks for this project are outlined as follows: The project begins with ongoing coordination and administration, which includes monthly reporting and meetings with the MDOT Region project manager. An orientation meeting will be attended to kick off the project. A stakeholder engagement plan will be developed by VE, outlining non-traditional strategies for inclusive and equitable engagement across the region. This plan will also detail the coordination of the consultant team with the University Region Active Transportation Working Group. Up to eight public workshops or open houses will be conducted. Meeting locations will be identified, facilities scheduled, and meeting notices sent to media, MDOT communications, and known stakeholder groups or individuals. Two Value Engineering staff members will prepare and facilitate these in-person workshops to solicit stakeholder and public feedback. The workshops will be organized to leverage the budget and limit stakeholder duplication. They will be planned and held strategically so that county-level partners can discuss and consider locally focused input and concerns.